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Death Resolutions and Memorial Cards

Greetings Vasa Sisters and Brothers,

When I was visiting with a group from the Stockholm lodge, I was asked about the Memorial Cards and what happens here at the Archive. We gladly preserve the memory of our departed Vasa Members when we know of their passing .

One way we preserve their memory is with the Death Resolution form. This is a 3 sheet carbon-copy form where you can list who has passed and how they served their lodge, District and Grand Lodge. We just need one of the forms. The others are for the Local Lodge and the District. These are stored alphabetically here at the Vasa National Archive. Many lodges will include an obituary with this form. If you need the form, there is a copy available on our webpage under the Membership drop-down menu. Or you can contact the archive and we will mail some to you.

If we receive a donation in memory of the deceased, the Vasa National Archives will make two Memorial Cards. One is kept here in a beautiful cabinet and the other is sent to the grieving family, if known, or the donor. Donations go into our General fund unless we receive instruction to put it to a particular use.

If you have any questions, feel free to let us know at or 309-927-3898.

In Truth and Unity,

Vasa National Archives



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