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Bishop Hill Monday Knitters

More than ten years ago several ladies got together in Bishop Hill, IL to knit. We continue knitting together adding new knitters (and some crotcheters) through the years. We range in age from middle 20s to middle 80s.

We gather at a home in Bishop Hill with our yarn and needles, coffee pot and treats spending the morning knitting, helping each other with projects and visiting. We’ve shared family joys – new babies, birthdays, graduations, and marriages – and sorrows – illnesses, break ups, and deaths. It is a great support group for each of us.

Over the years we’ve knit for the benefit of others: socks for a Civil War exhibit in our state’s capital, mittens for school children, hats for newborns and preemies for area hospitals and mittens and hats for an area church’s mitten tree.

There are fifteen of us when we all gather on Monday morning. Some people groan about the start of the week, but we manage to start with fun and fellowship over needles and yarn!

* Archivist Kathy Cuff is a member of the Monday Knitters. This article was featured in the Fall edition of Country Woman.

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