Vasa National Archives Welcomes Intern

The Vasa National Archives in Bishop Hill welcomes a summer intern to help get a jump start on their digital library. The Vasa National Archives received a grant from the Swedish Council of America to pay for the intern who will be scanning documents and adding metadata to help make information easier to find via the internet.
The Vasa National Archives has a filing cabinet full of membership applications organized and available for researchers. The applications contain a wealth of genealogical information on Swedish immigrants and Swedish-Americans who became Vasa members from 1896 to the early 2000s. Grant funds will be used to employ an intern to scan and enter metadata from the membership cards to the Upper Mississippi Digital Image Archive (UMDIA). The membership cards and other information to be added later will be accessible through the UMDIA.
Julia Meyer of Blanchardville, WI and rising senior at Augustana College has been selected to fill the internship position. She will be working on the digitalization project until the end of August. The Vasa National Archive expects the digital library to be accessible sometime in mid-summer.