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Greetings from the President, Vasa Star, Winter 2016

Greetings fellow Vasa members,

As you read in a past article from our archivist, the Archives has a new website, We have created this new site to give the archivist a convenient way to communicate with all of you. Please take time to access it and learn what is available to those who visit the Archives, Bishop Hill and Henry County. It gives you an electronic way to enjoy current events and displays should you be unable to physically visit. Our membership told us for many years that it wants virtual access to the Archives and this new web presence makes that happen. If there is something you are interested in seeing via our new web presence please contact the archivist at her e-mail address, Also check our Facebook page for current happenings at Vasa National Archives.

Many of us are downsizing to make our lives less complicated. We all have artifacts and memorabilia stored in closets, attics and basements. Some of these items might be of great interest to us at the Archives. In everyone’s busy lives, all too often historically significant items get discarded, old pictures can no longer be identified and interesting stories are forgotten - let us help. You may be the last of your family to know the details of important documents related to your parents’ or grandparents’ immigration.

Collection Policy

We are creating a complete Collection Policy to help you, your lodge and your district save some of those memories for others to enjoy. Members can donate personal histories, crafts/artworks, regalia and pins, awards and certificates, books written in Swedish, published in the United States and materials related to Scandinavia (particularly, Swedish) immigration and some reference materials. Bibles, flags, and items in very poor condition along with some Vasa records and publications can not be used. Please seek the guidance of our archivist, Kathy Cuff before donating.

We greatly appreciate the generosity of our members who donated to this year’s Heritage Fundraiser which makes it possible to fund restoration, display and storage at the Archives. The Julgran Fundraiser is currently underway. The tree is up on the second level of the Archives and the bulbs in honor of your loved ones have been placed on it as they arrived with your donations. The annual Julgran reception celebrating the successful fundraiser was held at the Archives December 2 but donations arriving later will be gladly accepted.

Settlement funds

The Archives is fortunate to have received a monetary settlement in the complicated and long lasting legal dispute related to the Vasa financial situation in 2009. This settlement offers partial restitution but work must continue growing our endowment. Donations to the Julgran Fundraiser (unless you specify differently) are applied to the endowment. The Archives belongs to all members of the Vasa Order and your continued support of our two annual fundraisers is very important to its success. You can review the full list of donors to the fundraisers in the next edition of the Vasa Star. The Archives has gratefully received some large monetary gifts from Vasa members this year and we hope these Vasa friends and other members will continue to offer this type of support in the coming year. Please remember The Vasa National Archives as you update your wills.

Sheila and I trust you will enjoy many joyous family and Vasa events and make beautiful memories during this holiday season. We will be making memories this year with our eighth grandchild, Otto, born in September. We have so much to be thankful for this year. Our best wishes to all of you for a happy, healthy and prosperous coming year. Thank you for your personal support and your support of the Vasa Order of America and the Vasa National Archives.

In Truth and Unity,

Bill Lundquist, PGM, President of the Vasa National Archives

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